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Digital Futures, Digital Transformation

Wednesday, October 7th, 2015

Ahmed Bounfour just published a book entitled “Digital Futures, Digital Transformation” Springer editions.



This book provides an integrated overview of key trends in digital transformation, taking into consideration five interrelated dimensions: strategy and business models; society, organization, technology and regulation. As such, it provides a framework for the analysis of digital business transformation and its emerging factors, analyzing twenty-five key trends in terms of their future impact. On that basis, the book then delineates a new approach centered on the mutually accelerating links between multiple value creation spaces. It proposes a new mode of production-accelerated production of links (acceluction)-and analyzes it with respect to the still-dominant concept of lean production. Based on the results of the international CIGREF research program ISD, the book presents a valuable perspective of the expected impact of the abundance of networks and data as critical resources for enterprises beyond 2020.

Bounfour, A  (2015). Digital Futures, Digital Transformation. Springer International Publishing.



Call for applications for Post-doctoral position on Cloud Computing

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

In the Framework of the CBOD research activities, the RITM research group is searching for applications for a post-doctoral position on cloud computing and organisational design.


The CBOD -Cloud Based Organizational Designs project (Organizational Design Based on the Cloud) research project, is supported by the French ANR (National Research Agency), as well as by several leading European industrial associations. It aims at the development of a set of technical and economic analyses of “cloud computing”. The challenge is to allow both for Executives and scholars to better understand the dynamics of cloudification of information systems. The consortium involved in the project include the University of Paris-Sud (RITM research group) coordinator, Telecom ParisTech (department “Economy & Management”) and INRIA.

The project is coordinated by Ahmed Bounfour, professor at the University Paris-Sud, director of the research group on Networks and innovation with RITM- and holder of the European Chair of the immaterial